Calderdale has a rich Methodist heritage which spans the whole of Circuit.
There are currently two heritage chapels, the Heptonstall octagonal, chapel and Mount Zion at Upper Brockholes, near Ogden. Both are listed Grade II* buildings. These historically significant Methodist places of worship, are no longer used for their original purpose on a regular basis. However, they are not museums, they are vibrant, living spaces, used in a variety of ways, by the whole community, people of all faiths and none.
The heritage chapels are a visible Christian presence and a reminder that people of faith have brought us to where we are today, in so doing, creating a heritage which it is important to learn from, cherish and preserve.
These special spaces also tell the wider story of Calderdale, the area's towns, villages and people. The fabric of these buildings, the artefacts and archival documents held within them, encompass countless stories of Methodist Christians and highlight the local and national struggle for democracy and social justice. To find out more about Calderdale's Methodist heritage follow this link: www.
The Rev'd Tony Buglass, a former Presbyter in the Calderdale Circuit, compiled notes on Methodism, the Wesley Story and the Methodist and Christian Family Tree. Download the file below to read these.
Registered Charity no. 1134254
01422 359639
Calderdale Methodist Circuit Office
c/o St Paul’s Methodist Church
Tower Hill
Sowerby Bridge