Christ Church Craft Festival
What a fantastic time was had by all at the Craft Festival on 12 October. The sixteen stall holders loved the venue and the welcome they received, and they went away asking to be informed of the next one!
There were lots of new faces amongst the shoppers who were treated to a large variety of goods at a wide range of prices. For the church folk it was great to be able to welcome the many new people to the church building and also to reconnect with those that had returned after some time.
Some wonderful conversations occurred, one with a lady who used to come to the Sunday School over fifty years ago and another with a gentleman who was celebrating just receiving the 'all clear' after cancer treatment – he accepted one of the knitted church angels "my guardian angel" he said.
The café serving bacon butties, sandwiches and home-made cakes did a roaring trade and here too there were opportunities to sit and chat to friends old and new.
This was a new venture for us at Christ Church and yes, we were anxious beforehand, not knowing how well it would be supported, but prayers have certainly been answered yet again – why do we ever doubt?
Thank you, God, for a wonderful day, for all the hard work of the volunteers and that for many more people, the church is a more familiar place made up of lots of friendly people.
Finally, a good amount was raised for church funds too.
Registered Charity no. 1134254
01422 359639
Calderdale Methodist Circuit Office
c/o St Paul’s Methodist Church
Tower Hill
Sowerby Bridge