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Christmas Tree Festival at Mount Tabor


Mount Tabor Methodist Church held a very successful Christmas Tree Festival at the beginning of December. Sue Watson has written the following:

Where did the idea of a Christmas tree festival come from?

In 2020 the church was 200 years old but all our planning of events came to nothing because of Covid. We meant to end 2020 with a Christmas tree festival so why not begin any celebrations in 2022 in that way.

The festival took place amongst a flurry of community & church activity. A decorated windows walk around Tabor, Carol singing around the streets(Oh it was freezing!), a school carol concert in the church and then a community Carol Service.

Friday was the day for decoration. A school class came with handmade decorations from every child in the school. Other contributors came later in the day. We discovered the trees where a lot wider than we thought. Adjustments had to be made.

The day dawned on the Saturday morning and, with much nervousness I opened up. Saturday was such a triumph (someone else’s word for it). The Brownies came to serve refreshments, supported and transported by dozens of willing parents. The hall was a joyful place of parents, members of the public and small children doing what small children do.

The enthusiastic Brownies were seeking out customers and encouraging those in the church to come and be refreshed. We had visitors from the village, from the local area, our councillor and other Methodist Churches.

In the afternoon the Wainstalls school choir arrived. I believe they have almost 60 members. The downstairs was full. Parents went into the balcony to see & hear the enchanting sound those youngsters produced.

One of the lovely things that happened was that some didn’t want their real tree, so Julia and Daniel Lumb took it upon themselves to take the trees to needy families in the area. It was exhausting but so worthwhile.

We have lots of help promised for next year.

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