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Illingworth Moor Flower Waterfall installation

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An exciting project has been unveiled in North Halifax which has brought together the local community to create something unique and beautiful.

Inspired by the Tower of London poppies and a project in Cambridgeshire (Barley Flower Tower on Facebook) local artist Candida Wood has designed a sweeping flower waterfall for the gable end of Illingworth Moor Methodist Church.

The waterfall remembers those we have lost in the pandemic and celebrates all those who have helped the community, working with the church to support people physically, mentally and emotionally through recent times.

Over 4,000 flowers make up the waterfall created by local crafters, schoolchildren, local businesses, church members and friends.

Flowers started being crafted in early August and the finished waterfall was paraded from Mount Zion church Ogden to Illingworth Moor by members of the Boys and Girls Brigades. The waterfall was installed by Illingworth Fire Brigade and dedicated with an outdoor blessing on Sunday 24th October.

Lord, we remember those we have lost in this pandemic and treasure our love for them in our hearts.

We thank you for all the heroes who have helped our community to support people physically, mentally and emotionally through recent times. When the news scares us, remind us to look for the helpers, you will always find people who are helping and there are many many caring people in this world.

You set the rainbow in the skies as a sign of the promise You made for all generations to come, that life on Earth is under Your protection.

Bless this rainbow waterfall as a symbol of hope for our community and for the world. Amen.

There are tags available in the church foyer to write the names of people you wish to dedicate – just ask for one, fill in the name and tie to the railings

For more details follow Illingworth Moor Methodist Church on Facebook

Thanks to The Flat Cap Photographer for the amazing photos

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