Dear Friends
On Sunday evening at my welcome service one of the questions the District chair asked me was if I would commit to the responsibility of, caring for the Circuit and its people, inspire its witness and watch over its life, in the name of Christ.
This morning we wake to a world that is mourning the death of a Queen who gave her life in the service of others. For seventy years Queen Elizabeth II has cared for the people she has been called to serve, she has always been fully committed to her responsibilities, serving with dignity and compassion. Her Christian faith has been at the heart of her service and has sustained her over the many challenges she has faced during her reign. She spoke openly about Jesus being an anchor in her life and a role model in her Christmas broadcast in 2014.
For many of us the Queen has been the only monarch we have known and during her long reign there has been difficult times, wars, pandemics, politic and economic unrest and more recently climate change fears. And consistently during these times of fear and upheaval the Queen has modelled a trust and faith in God which has sustained her. Let that faith be an inspiration to us all as we live during these unpredictable times.
We pray for the Queen’s family at this time may they know God’s comfort and peace. And may the God to which she dedicated her life remain with all of you as we remember together the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
Revd Vicky Atkins
Registered Charity no. 1134254
01422 359639
Calderdale Methodist Circuit Office
c/o St Paul’s Methodist Church
Tower Hill
Sowerby Bridge