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Vicky Atkins

vicky atkins jan 24

Hello from beautiful Calderdale and the warm hearted, friendly folk of the Calderdale Methodist Circuit, of which I have the privilege of serving as Superintendent.

Whilst born and raised by the North East coast I have served the Methodist Church in and around Yorkshire for the past seventeen years and have come to love the diverse landscapes. You are never too far from a breathtakingly spectacular view, which is wonderful for someone who loves the outdoors. The magnificent and diverse landscapes of our Circuit from uplands and moors, towns and villages have provided lots of inspiration for my enthusiasm for all things creative. Whether that be painting or foraging, or visiting the Piece Hall to listen to live music or one of the local art galleries, I always have something on my must do, must see list!

My background before ministry involved working alongside and advocating for some of the most vulnerable members of our communities, which has shaped my life and ministry. I am passionate about justice and equality and believe that when Jesus said "The poor you will ALWAYS have with you." he was encouraging us to take action to eradicate poverty and promote generosity. My belief that Methodist social holiness is to speak truth to power through education, called me to exercise my ministry as a school chaplain for a short time. However, the call to be involved in shaping inclusive missional communities of love and justice, where all are enabled and equipped to participate and share their God given gifts, brought me back to circuit ministry.

The Mission Statement of our Circuit is: 'Seeing what God is doing in Calderdale, and joining in.' it is a joy to be able to join with others and participate in sharing our stories with our diverse wider community. If you are interested in the ongoing conversation about what it means to love and serve God in Calderdale, please get in touch we would love to hear from you.

Rev Vicky

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Registered Charity no. 1134254

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01422 359639

Calderdale Methodist Circuit Office
c/o St Paul’s Methodist Church
Tower Hill
Sowerby Bridge

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© 2025 – Calderdale Methodist Circuit