Towngate, Clifton, Brighouse, HD6 4HX
Rev'd Terry Keen (minister)
David Briggs (pastoral assistant)
Dec 27th, 10:30 am – Mrs Janet Revill
Jan 3rd, 10:30 am – Rev'd David Briggs (Communion)
Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mr David Brackenridge
This Anglican/Methodist Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP), which is located in an Anglican building, is situated in a central main road position in the ancient township of Rastrick. St Matthew's is part of a United Anglican Benefice with St John the Divine, Rastrick. St John's is not part of the LEP.
St Matthew's is one church family; a welcoming fellowship worshipping and working together to the glory of God and his Son, Jesus Christ. We share one bread and wine in the Eucharist. We look to the working of the Holy Spirit amongst us in building up the kingdom of God.
The church tradition is middle of the road, embracing the best of bothAnglican and Methodist traditions. The Sunday morning service is at 9.15am. Onthe 1st Sunday of the month All-age Communion (sometimes including churchparade for uniformed organisations who take an active role in the service); 2ndSunday Holy Communion; 3rd and 4th Sundays either Morning Worship or HolyCommunion. The service on the 3rd Sunday is usually led by a Methodist Ministeror lay preacher. Where there is a 5th Sunday in the month a joint Beneficeservice is held with St John the Divine.
Further details can be found on our website
There is also a said service of Holy Communion at 10.30am on the 1st and 3rdWednesdays of each month.
St Matthews' Organizations
Our parish centre has now reopened, but not all organisations have returned. Here is a list of activities that take place in normal times:
MONDAY (weekly)
6.00pm – 7.00pm
Beaver Scouts
MONDAY (weekly)
6.30pm – 8.00pm
Cub Scouts
Last TUESDAY each month
United Ladies' Group
TUESDAY (weekly)
5th Rastrick St Matthew's Brownies
TUESDAY (weekly)
5th Rastrick St Matthew's Rainbows
TUESDAY (weekly)
5th Rastrick St Matthew's Guides
WEDNESDAY (weekly)
4th Rastrick St Matthew's Rainbows
WEDNESDAY (weekly)
4th Rastrick St Matthew's Brownies
WEDNESDAY (weekly)
4th Rastrick St Matthew's Guides
THURSDAY (weekly)
Parent and Toddler Group
FRIDAY (weekly)
7.45pm – 9.30pm
Last MONDAY of each month
Beer and Banter
Further details from Alan (01484 719631)
Registered Charity no. 1134254
01422 359639
Calderdale Methodist Circuit Office
c/o St Paul’s Methodist Church
Tower Hill
Sowerby Bridge